The Midnight Florists have over five years’ experience delivering workshops to a multitude of special interest groups including rough sleeping & precariously housed communities, student & university groups, and survivors of domestic & sexual violence. Below are some of the premade workshops we offer, we offer longer and shorter versions of each workshop and are happy to create additional content for your specific needs. We also offer bespoke workshops designed to your specifications. To book one of our workshops or to discuss a bespoke one please do Contact Us.
Time | 1 Hour (Short) / 2 Hour (Long)
Aim | To engender participants with the skills to make quick, cheap, and effective guerrilla art.
Commissioned for b-Side’s WHY? Festival in collaboration with The Southbank Center. Slogan is a methodology of public troublemaking and guerrilla art on a budget. All that’s needed is a pen, paper, and something to stick your artwork up.
This workshop is perfect for those beginning on their journey as politically oriented makers, or those who are in their first steps of exploring performance as installation, and public performance. It is often delivered as a companion to The Comfort of Things.
Time | 1.5 Hour (Short) / 3 Hour (Long)
Aim | To engage with the practice of collating, selecting, & delivering verbatim materials, in a way that is sensitive to the origins of the material & the needs of an audience.
Developed from the working practice of Drowning In The Sound. This workshop engages with the politics of verbatim materials, the ethics of its collection, and the bias of its refinement & presentation.
It explores ways of performing verbatim material beyond performers speaking. It works to develop a practice of ethical awareness about working with real stories & the power those stories have to impact an audience.