(c) Andrew Martin Lee

[“Ex Nihilo Omnia”] 
Andrew Martin Lee

[“Ex Nihilo Omnia”] (From Nothing, Everything) is a performance-led research project examining the use of game theory within live-art performance. The investigation resulted in a choice-based adventure game for small audiences, taking them from the birth of an unnamed civilization into a wild unknown future. Audiences become elders, religious leaders, and politicians as their choices alter the course of history. Culture, politics, religion, international diplomacy is all controlled by player choices. Will [$Country_Name] become a prosperous utopia or a dystopian dictatorship. Will the players work together, or aim to control the world on their own? 

A practical exploration of research into audience interactions within game structures and Brechtian theory. [“Ex Nihilo Omnia”] draws on the work of Seth Kriebel, Jal Harewood, and Blast Theory combined with analogue and digital games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Sid Meier’s Civilization series. This project acts as the performative outcome of a year of research into the work of Bertolt Brecht examined through the lens of modern modes of digital interactions.

(c) Andrew Martin Lee


Developed & Performed | Andrew Martin Lee & The Midnight Florists

Artistic Development | Ian Hornsby, & Evi Stamatiou, Andrew Wilford

With Thanks to | The Theatre & Theatre Collectives 2018 cohort

Supported | The Showroom Chichester, & The University of Chichester